How do I know my car has been tuned properly?
By Ray McClelland Sr. – Full Throttle Kustomz
Datalog, Datalog, Datalog!
Every good custom tune is based on accurate data logs. It’s really easy to data log your car. Watch some Youtube videos of people data logging your type of car. If you have any additional questions ask your tuner and – if he/she has nothing to hide – they will be glad to show you how to get setup.
For remote tunes by mail your tuner may provide you with a custom tune configuration file for your data logging software. That file will instruct your data logging software to collect specific information in the logs that your tuner likes to see in the reports. So, just the get a laptop, a good wideband, and dedicate a little time to drive and record the data needed to determine if your dialed in or not.
Data-logging software is usually free; just do your homework. If you have questions feel free to contact us.
Ray McClelland Sr. – Full Throttle Kustomz
Ray writes articles from time-to-time to guide car enthusiasts and racers to the best possible solutions for their performance goals.

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